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Recurring meetings deleted by Zoom without warning


I run a training business and we use a lot of recurring meetings with clients, so that each client has their own dedicated recurring Zoom meeting that we use for all training sessions with that client.


Recurring meetings seem to be vanishing from the list and becoming inaccessible without any warning, which is causing us huge problems. Today I went to run a session for a regular client only to find that the meeting details we normally use had been deleted by Zoom and the meeting no longer worked. We had to create a new ID, email all participants, the meeting started late and it was extremely poor service to our client.


I have had this happen with a number of recurring meetings but there seems to be no consistent pattern to it. I have recurring meetings that haven't been used for over a year that are still active, whilst this latest one that has vanished was used quite recently. We don't use any calendar integrations or other complex stuff, this was just a normal meeting scheduled via the Zoom web portal and then we emailed the details to the client.


Zoom Support refuses to accept any bug reports from me (despite us being paid customers), so I am not sure how to identify the problem, and particularly I'm not sure how to stop it happening again. We can't do business using Zoom if meetings we rely on are getting deleted at random.




Zoom Partner
Zoom Partner

It clearly states that:
Meeting IDs for recurring meetings expire 365 days after the meeting was last started.


So not a bug, working as intended.

source: Scheduling a recurring meeting (

Hi "Zoom Partner" Alex. 

It does indeed clearly state that. 

The meeting was created four months ago and last used two months ago.



If you used the meetings recently then it's something else yes. 
There is an end date, or a max number of occurrences for a recurring meeting, maybe look there?

Hard to check the details for a meeting that no longer exists, but looking at other similar meetings I can see nothing in the Zoom interface or documentation about maximum occurrences or end dates for "No Fixed Time" meetings. 


I just had two Zoom meetings (not recurring) canceled erroneously and my participants were very confused. I tried to use the meeting recovery feature, but it did not restore the meeting. I had to delete the meeting from Zoom and start over.

I had exactly the same situation today! Had to create a new link,  i am paying for it not to do it client contacted me asking if i cancelled the meeting, also not recurring,  she booked the slot last week for next week, and it got randomly cancelled, Is that possible? It does look like a bug/outage they need to look into as we can't run a business like this, It's unprofessional,how can we contact the tech support  to get it resolved?

Thanks both. Yes it doesn't help that Zoom seems to consider technical support a perk for high level users instead of a basic requirement to provide a good standard of paid service. There is no way to report this bug to them except to post it here and hope someone from Zoom sees it. It also may explain why they have bugs like this, because they aren't interested in even hearing about technical problems with their product, let along actually investigating them and making sure customers don't experience them again.


It's really eroding my trust in the product. Like you say, we can't run a business like this. 


I had  a scheduled meeting cancelled at random today as well


I've had a meeting cancelled today. Not recurring. But the recurring one has disappeared from the list.It is very confusing for  my students and annoying for me.The idea if a scheduler is to have it automatically done .How can we report this as an ongoing issue?

best way is to submit a ticket:


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