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Recurring Meetings


I am wondering if there is a way to extend a recurring meeting past 50 instances once some of those meetings have passed? Or is there a way to set up a new recurring meeting that will use the same link as the old one?


I'm trying to find a way to continue using the same links for more than 50 meetings. I am aware of the "no fixed time" option, but that will not work for us.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Unfortunately, No-fixed time is the only option I am aware of. I'm curious as to why No-fixed time doesn't work for you? 


Thanks for the reply.


It could be that I don't completely understand how no fixed time works. We have 4 recurring meetings a day. (setup to reoccur M-F for 10 weeks, so the 10am link is always the same etc.). Each meeting is with a different group. We have different people logging in to the account to start the meetings. If the meeting is not linked to a specific time, I'm worried it will get confusing which meeting should be started. Can you have multiple no fixed time meetings in the same account?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Yes, you can have multiple no-fixed time meetings in an account and for each user. The only limitation you would have to worry about would be hosting multiple concurrent meetings at the same time, hosted by the same user. 


A no-fixed time recurring meeting will function essentially the same as what you have now, but Zoom doesn't keep track of a schedule of when these sessions should take place. Instead the meeting is ready to be used at any time or frequency. This eliminates the 50 occurrence limit, but in turn requires you to use something else to keep track of when this particular meeting is used. 


In this particular case, where you are just trying to host a meeting on a long-term regular basis, I would schedule this in Zoom as a no-fixed time meeting, then copy the invite details into a calendar event I created in Google Calendar (my personal preference, but any calendar system should work). That calendar event is scheduled to whatever pattern you need, while the Zoom meeting is always ready. 


Hope that helps, but let me know if you have any further questions about your situation or no-fixed time meetings. 

Hi there -


Read through this thread twice and alas, I'm still confused. My weekly Wed 7 PM meeting hit's it's 50th occurrence tonight and I want it to go on indefinitely (same question OP asked).  But with the 'no fixed time' option (which I'll have to fiddle with) do I get a link that is generic but could be used at 7 PM on Wednesdays?  Or does Zoom assign some random time?  If need be I'll create a new meeting with 50 occurrences but getting it out to the people who may want it could be tricky as I don't have contact for all the folks who show up randomly.