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Problems with recent update 6.1.1 for Mac (login, scheduling, calendly)


6.1.1 required me to uninstall and reinstall Zoom to allow the update. Now I have numerous problems. Does anyone else have these:

1. Requires me to login whenever I start the app

2. All prior meetings no longer appear, nor do recurring meetings

3. If I schedule via calendly, the meeting no longer shows as upcoming meeting

4. I can't start a meeting off the home page (desktop)

5. I can't schedule a meeting off home page (desktop) - greyed out

I've tried all the usual - restarting and uninstall/reinstall


Maybe there's a 6.1.2 coming? 



I got the upgrade today. I am having a couple of the same problems as the original poster.Can't start a meeting off the home page (in fact can't even get to the home page). Once the meeting starts, the green border that used to indicate someone is speaking no longer appears--that's a real annoyance--in a large meeting that indicator is important! "Reactions" has become "react."  Bizarre visual effects appear for no reason--e.g., balloons started streming in my sqaure while I was speaking.  This upgrade is NOT helpful. 


I posteed a reply that I am having similar problems, plus one not mentioned:  The green outline no longer appears when someone is speaking. This is a must in a large meeting!  My post did not post at all.