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PowerPoint slide navigation delayed when granting control to participants


In our TownHalls i usually share PowerPoint presentation and navigate the slides seamlessly. However when one of the panelists request control to navigate through the slides himself there is almost 5 second delay from the time he selects next slide and the slide transition. 


Is there any way to fix this? 



I have the same issue, so frustrating. 

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello there.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and late response.

It sounds like the delay during your presentations could be related to a few factors. Here are some potential solutions to minimize the lag when a panelist takes control of the presentation:

  1. Internet Connection: Ensure that both you and the panelists have a strong and stable internet connection. A weak connection can cause delays in slide transitions. You might want to use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi if possible.

  2. Presentation Software: Make sure everyone is using the latest version of the software. Sometimes, updates include performance improvements.

  3. Reduce load on system: Close any unnecessary applications or tabs on your computer that might be using bandwidth or processing power. This can help improve the performance of the presentation software.

  4. File Size: If your PowerPoint file is large (lots of images, videos, etc.), consider compressing the file or reducing the size of any media to help it run more smoothly.

  5. Local Presentation: If possible, have the panelist download the PowerPoint file and run it locally on their machine. This can eliminate any lag caused by streaming the presentation.

  6. Use Presenter View: If you’re using PowerPoint, you can enable Presenter View so that the panelist can see the next slide and notes while navigating through the slides.

  7. Test Run: Before the actual TownHall, conduct a test run with the panelist to see if the delay persists. This will give you a chance to troubleshoot any issues in advance.

Please let us know if this helps.

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I have done all of the suggestions. I am working on a gigabit network and everything is hardwired. If I give general remote control to a presenter (meaning, they can control the laptop in general), the slide changes are seamless. When I give slide control to the same person, the delay occurs every time. 


Thanks for taking the time to compile those suggestions, Mark.  I'll let you know how it goes after I've incorporated all your suggestions prior to our next big meeting.


For now, I wrote responses in italics based on my most recent experience: 

  • Internet Connection: Ensure that both you and the panelists have a strong and stable internet connection. A weak connection can cause delays in slide transitions. You might want to use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi if possible.
    • I was using a wired connection.  One of the presenters doesn’t have great internet, so that could have been part of the problem.
  • Presentation Software: Make sure everyone is using the latest version of the software. Sometimes, updates include performance improvements.
    • I know that mine was the latest version.  I’ll double check this with the other presenters in the future.
  • Reduce load on system: Close any unnecessary applications or tabs on your computer that might be using bandwidth or processing power. This can help improve the performance of the presentation software.
    • I closed everything other than what was needed for the meeting.
  • File Size: If your PowerPoint file is large (lots of images, videos, etc.), consider compressing the file or reducing the size of any media to help it run more smoothly.
    • I did compress the file which reduced the size quite a bit.
  • Local Presentation: If possible, have the panelist download the PowerPoint file and run it locally on their machine. This can eliminate any lag caused by streaming the presentation.
    • Not ideal with how many presenters we have.  That would be a lot of starting & stopping of the ‘Share Screen’ feature.
  • Use Presenter View: If you’re using PowerPoint, you can enable Presenter View so that the panelist can see the next slide and notes while navigating through the slides.
    • I use Presenter View on PowerPoint when I share my screen.  When I give someone Slide Control, they won’t be able to see the Presenter View, correct?  That would be cool if they could!
  • Test Run: Before the actual TownHall, conduct a test run with the panelist to see if the delay persists. This will give you a chance to troubleshoot any issues in advance.
    • I’ve done test runs with a few coworkers but will need to make sure ALL presenters are in the test run next time.