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New Zoom Clients Won't Launch (Windows)


I have used Zoom since 2020 and I have updated my version (5.13.7) few times (I'm not sure to what I have deleted it) and new updates (5.17.x) won't launch after a successful installation. I checked installer log and it did exit with code 0 indicating it was successful. After installation Client will simply won't launch as if nothing happened. Won't show an error code won't show anything it will just won't do anything when I try to launch it. I tried installing with antivirus disabled, ran as admin, closed every other application after using the official uninstaller "CleanZoom" on the official zoom website and yet nothing will change and it won't launch. I can't issue a ticket as it gets closed immediately and get "we can't respond at this moment" automated response and can't chat with a bot as it simply doesn't understand any question asked. I cannot contact Zoom whatsoever, I need this fixed ASAP because Zoom allowed me to use the 5.13.7 version until now but it demands me to update it now and wont even let me join meetings. Zoom is crucial to me as all my classes are held in Zoom and I am forced to use the Web version for now. It is truly enraging to see Zoom only responds to paid versions and won't let their users contact them. I have done everything within my knowledge to run the new (5.17.7) Zoom Desktop Client and nothing worked so far. If you also have problems or may have an idea what causes this please let me know.


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi techdifficulty,


i am using 5.17.7 on my win 11 pc with no issues.


from your post, i think you have followed the support article on uninstalling and reinstalling zoom clients and apps.  for different clients and apps, the procedure is different.

Uninstalling and reinstalling the Zoom application - Zoom Support


what device model and operating system does your pc use?  does it meet minimum zoom requirements?


thanks,  eliot


I've just started to have a Zoom launch problem on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS after having updated Zoom to Version 5.17.5 (2543).   When run from the CLI, Zoom starts w/o any error messages, but the sign-in window never appears.   It doesn't matter how I install or reinstall 5.17.5.

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi lyndbacon,


are the required dependencies updated and installed?


Installing or updating Zoom on Linux


Did my response answer your question? If so, please don't forget to mark the reply as an accepted solution.


thanks,  eliot

Thanks.  I'll check.  In the meantime, how do I downgrade to an earlier version?

Eliot, I just checked and all dependencies appear to be present.  I uninstalled and reinstalled zoom, and I don't get any installation errors.   Zoom launches from the CLI, but to sign in window appears.  If I look at the end of the stdout_stderror_log I find:

[0202/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
[0203/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
[0204/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
[0204/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018


These errors appear to have been produced over the last couple of days as I've tried to get this sorted.

Eliot, I think I've got it.   I removed what was in the .zoom directory in my user account after having uninstalled zoom.  Then I reinstalled zoom.  I can now get a sign in window when running zoom from the CLI.

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner



thanks for sharing - may help another linux user.




Hi TechDifficulty,   I have exactly the same problem as you described. Using Windows 10 (latest update), on an Asus X72DR Laptop, 16GByte RAM, dual core, 450Gb free harddisk, 2.1GHz, and was running Zoom since 3 years without any problems.  Latest running version was  5.13.7.  two week ago I was forced to upgrade to 5.17.5, and since then it looks pretty disgusting. Except that the icons appear on the start menu, nothing more is working. When I click the icon, PC shows the busy hourglass for 5 secs, then nothing any more. The entire installation through ZoomInstallerFull.exe was already a bit strange.  Although it had shown the progress bar (seemingly up to 100% within 15 secs), it never asked the usually installation options (on which drive, use the camera/audio, agree on the software conditions etc.)  That was the first time Zoom makes such problems.  I  don't want to buy an extra laptop, reserved only for Zoom.


PS:  I followed all the instructions of installation/deinstallation/Zoom-clean as given on their website.   Also, my system fully meets the technical requirements as published by Zoom.


I compared the symptoms of the failing Zoom 5.17.5 upgrade with another laptop (a Lenovo Thinkpad, also Win10), on which it works. It appears that on the ASUS X72DR the upgrade process fails at the point when it should show the Windows systems dialog window, asking to confirm that "User Account Control: DO YOU WANT TO ALLOW THIS APP TO MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR DEVICE?"

This dialogue box wont pop up on the ASUS during new Zoom installation, but instead the installation process terminates prematurely.  The only Zoom I can use at the moment is a life version (zmportable.exe) from an USB stick.   But of course this can only be a temporal solution.