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Need employee names instead of account owner name to show up


We are a small org (3 staff) and have a single zoom account for the business with one user. When my employees sign in, it shows my name (account owner) rather than theirs and they have to change it. I'm not sure what setting or place within zoom I need to change to rectify this. Thanks in advance for any help.



Do they get the chance to change their name as they log into the meeting? Usually it asks for the meeting ID and then participant name- that will be autofilled with the account owner name but should be able to be changed at that stage before they join the meeting. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @MPPI.


So there's a fine line here.  Are these other people needing their own meetings?  Or are they substituting for your presence in one of your meetings which you temporarily cannot attend?


The Zoom Terms of Service prohibit you from sharing an account.  In most cases, this means there would be three different people needing to have their own meetings, and are all sharing one account.  If this is the case, each person should have their own account.  It's like any other software service -- Netflix, Microsoft 365, Slack,  Employees each need their own account.  Sharing passwords to access one account is definitely a no-no.


If, on the other hand, you have a temporary need for one of them to Host a meeting that belongs to you, then in your specific case, your only alternative is to use the Host Key method.  Have them create their own Basic (free) account with their own identity.  Set up your meeting with a Password, disabled Waiting Room, and set Join Before Host to 15 minutes. They can then join your meeting on your behalf and claim the Host role to facilitate the meeting.  See this Zoom Support article for more details: 


If, on the other hand, you do end up getting Licensed (paid) accounts for the others, and you are all on the same organizational account (one person is owner of the account), then there are two other alternatives for having "substitute" hosts.

  1. Scheduling Privilege is normally used when there's an assistant or a colleague who will need to substitute-host often
  2. If you just need a one-off substitute and the substitute is on the same corporate account as you, the Alt-Host option might be more suited (and less work initially).


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