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Multiple emails/multiple account questions


I have 3 separate company emails (different domains) therefore 3 separate basic Zoom accounts. A couple of questions:

  • Do I have to pay for 3 upgrades if I want the enhanced feature set for all my companies or is there a way to have one upgrade fee apply to each account?
  • I use Outlook for all my emails and I have the Outlook Zoom plugin. Outlook will book a meeting under the email associated with the calendar in the same domain. But when I go to the meeting to open zoom, I am seen as a participant, not the organizer, therefore I cannot open the discussion. Does that mean the plugin is tied to one and only one license?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, Joe,


Sorry I misinterpreted your original post... you said " 3 separate company emails (different domains)" and I figured one company with 3 separate domains.  Three companies, yeah, that's a problem I face too, as I not only host events for clients, but some clients have their own accounts that they want to host out of.


Yes, Scheduling Privilege (and Alternate Hosts) requires both parties to be on the same account and both be Licensed (paid) users.


What I've done with two clients is have them pay for an extra License on their account and give me an email in their domain.  It's a pain to have to switch accounts, but it's not too bad: one client has me work long-duration projects on rare occasion (the latest being a 3-week effort involving 30 separate Webinars for a large global media corporation), and the other just has single events every other month or so.  All my other clients are either savvy enough to schedule and start their own sessions, or rely on me to do it all for them.


Happy to chat any time!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @joe_aeroclean,

Any add-on beyond your Zoom Meeting license can only be attached to one Zoom user account/login. I understand the possible need for multiple email addresses (I’ve got multiple addresses too), but I highly recommend consolidating your Zoom usage to one Zoom account – unless there’s real reason for more than one. (Enlighten me please!)


I’m pretty sure the Outlook plug-in uses the Zoom account that your Zoom Desktop Client is logged into. If you need to manage multiple email accounts and multiple Zoom accounts – and assuming there are all Licensed (paid) accounts under the same organization (owner), I’d recommend setting up Scheduling Privilege saving your various accounts. This would permit you to start any meeting regardless of which shared Scheduler created the meeting. 

See this Zoom Support article for details on setting up Scheduling Privilege: 

As a solo Zoom events producer, I keep two Licensed accounts which share Scheduling Privilege, and several Basic accounts to use as Test Attendees when trying out new features. One of my Licensed accounts is used 98% of the time to own meetings; and with Scheduling Privilege you can move ownership of meetings (and Webinars) back and forth if necessary. 


Let me know if you need any additional guidance. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Hi Ray - Thank you for the response.


If I understand you correctly, the Scheduling Privilege would apply only to multiple users on the same account under the same domain, correct?


In my situation, I have 3 separate companies with different email domains and a free Zoom account associated with each email. I want to upgrade the business emails so I can get more than 40 minutes of conference time. I was hoping there was a way to pay for one upgrade that would apply to the separate email/zoom accounts rather than having to buy 3 upgrades. So it appears that is not possible, correct?


Your answer about the Outlook plugin being tied to one of the accounts probably explains a "problem" I have experienced. Let's assume it is associated with Company A. I go into the calendar for Company B to schedule a meeting. I click  "Schedule a Meeting" and the invite pops up with Company B's email. But when I start the meeting from the Company B invite it does not recognize me as the Organizer but as a Participant stuck in the lobby. I was assuming the Plugin was using the account associated with the email from the calendar I was scheduling. 


Anyway, I appreciate your time....Joe

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, Joe,


Sorry I misinterpreted your original post... you said " 3 separate company emails (different domains)" and I figured one company with 3 separate domains.  Three companies, yeah, that's a problem I face too, as I not only host events for clients, but some clients have their own accounts that they want to host out of.


Yes, Scheduling Privilege (and Alternate Hosts) requires both parties to be on the same account and both be Licensed (paid) users.


What I've done with two clients is have them pay for an extra License on their account and give me an email in their domain.  It's a pain to have to switch accounts, but it's not too bad: one client has me work long-duration projects on rare occasion (the latest being a 3-week effort involving 30 separate Webinars for a large global media corporation), and the other just has single events every other month or so.  All my other clients are either savvy enough to schedule and start their own sessions, or rely on me to do it all for them.


Happy to chat any time!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.