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LinkedIn Live Streaming Error


I scheduled a LinkedIn Live event and followed these and these (part 1, part 2) instructions to a T. 


An hour before my scheduled Live, I logged in and did a preview test - audio and video all came through perfectly!


When it was time to go Live, I hit "Go Live" in LinkedIn and followed the instructions on Zoom's side. A window popped up with a progress bar that never got quite to 25% before an error message appeared that said "Unable to live stream to the custom service." (see screenshot). I tried this multiple times, then I canceled the event in Zoom, created a new one, re-set up the Stream Key and URL, and the same error happened again. 


I submitted a ticket to LinkedIn and they said it's possible I chose the incorrect region. I live in Alaska and chose "U.S., West." When I asked what region I should have used, they said I  should just "test" different ones for performance. That seems tricky to time with your event starting. They had no other feedback for me and I feel like I still don't have an answer for why this failed. 

Does anyone know what region I should have chosen? Is there anything else that could have gone wrong or that I don't know? Has anyone else received the same error message?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @lepluslibre.


I don’t do LinkedIn live streaming other than occasionally testing it when proper ask questions, but Key me ask this: in testing, did you go all the way through actually attending to LinkedIn and watching that stream “live”?  I think LinkedIn only allows one stream per key set, so if you test it completely, then try again using the same LinkedIn key, it might not work. That’s sort of a guess based on something I read a few weeks ago (see note below) – but worth giving it a try. Regenerate the LinkedIn keys. 

Note: I might have read too much into this part of your first link the first time I read it:



Be sure to use a new Zoom Meeting with a Generated Meeting ID – not your Personal Meeting ID. Also, look into using the Live Streaming Zoom Marketplace app; see info here: 


As for region, there’s no reason West US shouldn’t work just fine.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.