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I want to see my past members on zoom and I am having trouble with the calendar


I want to look at my past meetings that I have hosted on Zoom.

I get as far as  the previous meetings tab, then I try and put the past dates in, I put the first part in but it wont let me put the end  date and time in I tried it another way and it told me that I don't have any meeting for that date which I know that I have 




Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Anton9 - Are you getting an error when you try to select the dates?  If I go into Meetings -> Previous, and click on the start date, it brings up 2 months of a calendar.  I click on the start date, then before I click anywhere else I click on the end date and it fills them in fine.




What was the alternative method you used to try to select the dates?




Thank you for getting back to me I have tried the following for example I host an event Saturday August 28th 2023  and the end date Saturday December 2nd  2023 and it tells me that I do not have any hosted meetings would it be possible for you to do a step by step  like you showed me the calendar Please, Also I find that the start date  calendar  alters the month when I am putting an end date in the end calendar.


Thank you kindly 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Do you have access to the active host reports?  You can try that method if you do.

Sorry to be a pain but I am a Licensed user but have not used  my host meeting room since Saturday  2nd  December 2023 will this be the reason why I cannot see my past  attendees. if this is the case.
Is there anyway that is at all possible to see please.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Anton 9

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

If you have been licensed the whole time, and have access to the reports, the information should be there.  If you no longer have your license then the information would likely have not been stored.