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Host multiple meetings on Zoom Pro license




I am currently using 1 Zoom Pro license.

I want to understand that if I purchase another license in the same account - will I be able to host multiple meetings at the same timeslot? Or do I need another account to host the other meeting?


I went through the Support topics where it was mentioned only under Enterprise and Business plans can I host multiple meetings. So please confirm how I can do that if I am a Pro user.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

One user can host one meeting at a time.   Even if you can get Zoom to schedule 2 overlapping meetings, if one meeting is active and you go to start a second meeting, you’ll be prompted to cancel the other meeting before continuing. 

With Business and Enterprise accounts, a user can be given permission to schedule meetings for others, but can still only host one meeting at a time for any individual user. 

With your Pro account, you can have 2 or more users (up to 10), and each can host meeting at the same time. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


We have a Pro account with only one user added. If we added other users could they start meetings while one is already running or we would have to purchase other licenses?

Each user you add to the account can schedule and host their own meetings, independently of each other, but if they are not assigned their own license, they will be Basic users and limited to 40-minutes when there are 3 or more joins to the meetings they host. If they need those Basic limitations removed, then you would need to purchase additional licenses and assign each user a license. 

I have a follow-on question to this: I have a Pro account, and I am going to buy another license for a colleague who will run meetings with my students. I have a plugin that integrates the Zoom meeting features into LearnDash, my learning system. When I set up the meetings, I assume I have to create unique meetings, not recurring ones since the Meeting ID will be different depending on whether I run the meeting or my colleague runs the meeting. Is that accurate?