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Connectivity problems


I am so frustrated with my connectivity to Zoom and I don't know how to fix it. When I am in a meeting, I can see and hear everyone just fine. Everyone's video is live and active and the sound is good. If I speak up to add something to the discussion, the group tells me that my video froze and my audio was cut out. This doesn't happen to anyone else in the meeting. I have made sure my software is up to date, I've cleared my browsing history and cache, I have only two tabs open. My internet provider says I have good internet speed. I am connected via Wifi in my home.  I use a MacBook Air. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

@japple Please submit a ticket here so our Support Team can assist further. 

Hello, @japple! I reviewed your ticket and saw that it had been resolved and that you were not the host of the meeting, so we were unable to provide additional information about the meeting experience.


Could you please confirm that you were using Zoom within your web browser, also known as the Zoom web client?


Or, were you experiencing these issues within the Zoom desktop client, downloadable from


This will help us figure out specifically where you were having issues.


If you were having these issues within the Zoom web client, suggest downloading the Zoom desktop client and joining your meeting from the client to see if your meeting experience improves. 

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