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Closed Captioning Recording


I have a paid account and have enabled closed captioning.


It works fine during meetings and on Cloud recordings, but does not appear when I record to my local computer.


Is this correct? 


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Correct, captions are not automatically saved with local recordings. You would need to manually save a copy of the transcript and add the captions afterwards. 

So the only way to have the closed captions appear on the recording exactly the same as the meeting is to record to the cloud?

Even if you record to the cloud, the captions are not saved directly to the cloud recording. When viewing the recording on the Zoom website, we will automatically add the captions from the transcript to the playback of the video, but if you download a copy of the recording from the cloud, captions are not included in the video. 

OK that's interesting. Can you tell me how much cloud storage I would nedd for say a 5 hour meeting?


It's hard to give an estimate for how much space that will require, as cloud recording size is affected by the number of participants with video on, overall video resolution used in the meeting, amount and resolution of shared content, how many different layouts you are recording (cloud only), etc.. We note that recording screen sharing uses about 20MB of storage per hour, while recording video uses about 200MB of storage an hour, so I would estimate about 1/4 of a gig/hour. 

So for a 5 hour meeting I would need say 5GB to be safe?


Yes, that should be sufficient. Keep in mind, you don't need to have that space available on your account, as we will allow you to go beyond your allotted space for a time. 

OK. However support told me I only have 1GB available and if I need more I have to pay $40 a month for 100GB which is far more than I'll ever need.

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

If we included the captions in either of those videos, there would be no way to remove them if they covered some important part of a graphic or visual. We'd rather give you both parts separately, so that if you want to combine them, you can. 


When you say combine them, does that mean adding everyone manally??

Yes, you would need to use video editing software to add the captions to the video directly and export the video with the captions embedded in the video itself. 

Hi there. I realise I'm coming very late to this conversation, but in trying to do just that, use the Zoom transcript files to caption the video in software, they seem to ask for very specific caption file types, like VTT. Do you know what the output format is for Zoom transcript files, and do you know of any conversion tools out there? I've looked but not had huge success.