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Cannot see particpants video


During meetings, I cannot see participant's video but they can see mine. The audio is fine.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @ericT  --


You never ever see video from anyone else?  I've not seen that issue before.  It's quite possible if you're in a meeting where nobody else has their camera turned on -- then you won't see anyone's video.  (Some groups are just shy like that -- but not many.)


If you've NEVER seen other participants' camera video before, please give some details: 

  • Type of Device and which Operating System
  • What version of Zoom you have installed
  • What kind of network access?  Wired, Wifi, cellular, tin can and a string, etc.
  • How many people are in the room, and can they see each others' video?

With some additional information, us volunteers here in the Zoom Community might be able to help you, though we don’t have access to account information or ability to make changes to accounts.


You might consider submitting a Support Ticket to Zoom staff at: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

HI. yep, never seen people's video. They can see mine. I’m running a Mac Pro 10.14.2.  I have used both wired and wifi. The Zoom Version: 5.4.9. Will not let me update to a newer version. People in Zoom can see each other and they can see me. Ive had up to 12 people in the room?

My Zoom works fine on my iPhone…..

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



My recommendation is to make a Support Ticket with Zoom Staff (us here in Zoom Community are volunteers): 


Be sure to include all of the information from your last post: Mac Pro running  10.14.2 with Zoom version 5.4.9, unable to upgrade, and never have seen video. If you can’t get fixed through them, come back here and get in touch, with your ticket number – I’ll try to leverage some contacts and get it escalated. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.