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Breakout Rooms


Is it possible to have breakout rooms enabled by default for a zoom bridge we initiate via a service account ? Or is breakout rooms restricted only to hosts and co hosts only today. 


The problem we are trying to solve is have breakout rooms as an option for all zoom bridges opened by default during an incident. We use FireHydrant as an incident management tool and it generates a zoom bridge attached to an incident by default, however only the host/cohost can see breakout rooms, but we would like anyone to be able to see and manage a breakout room


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @alagesh88.


Only a Host/Co-Host can open up the Breakout Rooms.  Someone should be the Host, and if there’s no meeting owner (the default host) or designated Alternate Host, then you have to determine the viable alternatives. 

These will depend highly on who actual owns the Meeting, and whether there is an opportunity to customize the  Meeting settings. And I’d start by asking the folks at FireHydrant who generate the Meeting. You can’t be the first group wanting to do that.  Let me know if they can’t/won’t help you, and I’ll give you some alternate approaches. 


I’ve seen Breakout Rooms used successfully by Incident Command Centers before, so it’s a great idea. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.