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Acceptance email


My corporate email address is associated with my Zoom account. However, meeting acceptance notifications are being sent to my Gmail account. How do I change that?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @KLRComms ,

You only really have one email account associated with your Zoom account. But you can register for a meeting with any email account, which will then be sent to you. So I can only assume that you did register for an email with your Gmail address and the meeting provider is now contacting you on that.
I suggest you contact them to change your contact email.

all the best 



Thank you, but I believe you misunderstood what I am saying here. When I schedule a meeting from MY Zoom account and invite other people to attend MY meeting, when they accept the invitation from me, the acceptance email goes to my Gmail and not to my corporate email. My corporate email is the email associated with my Zoom account. Make sense?