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8GB RAM Laptop Compatibility with Zoom Virtual Backgrounds?


Greetings fellow Zoom users,


I hope you're all doing well. I've been using Zoom for various video calls and meetings, and I've recently been exploring the virtual backgrounds feature to add a bit of fun and professionalism to my calls. However, I'm curious about how well this feature works on laptops with 8GB of RAM.


I currently have a laptop with 8GB of RAM laptop [ ], and I'm wondering if this amount of memory is sufficient for using Zoom's virtual backgrounds smoothly. I've heard that virtual backgrounds can sometimes be resource-intensive, and I want to make sure that my laptop can handle it without any lag or performance issues.


Has anyone here used Zoom's virtual backgrounds on a laptop with 8GB of RAM? If so, could you share your experiences? Did you notice any performance differences compared to laptops with higher RAM configurations? Are there any specific settings or tips you recommend for optimizing performance when using virtual backgrounds?


I'm eager to learn from your insights and experiences.


Thanks in advance for your help!




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Background replacement is handled by your processor (CPU) in a standard Zoom setup - RAM is less relevant here. Please see the minimum requirements for a still virtual background from Zoom:


Image only without a green screen

  • Zoom desktop client, Global minimum version or higher
  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (64-bit), and 11
  • Supported processors 
    • Intel Pentium and Celeron with integrated GPU Intel HD Graphics 500 or higher
    • Intel UHD Graphics
    • Intel Core i3-5000 or higher
    • Intel Core i5-3000 or higher
    • Intel Core i7-3000 or higher
    • Intel Core i9-8000 or higher
    • AMD
      • 8 logical cores
      • 2.0Ghz or higher
    • ARM64
      • Qualcomm Adreno 680 and above
      • Driver version 27.20.1640.0 or higher 

Note: These requirements also apply to the blurred background feature. Learn more about checking your system requirements for the blur background feature.



To answer your question specifically, 8GB of RAM is more than enough if your machine meets all other requirements.