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Third-party Calendar Service


Can anyone please advise which third-party calendar service they have?

I would like to use a calendar on my website to list webinars there with a link for 


The plan is to run different webinars 3x a day for 3 days a week for the foreseeable future.


Any advise would be greatly appreciated!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @TammyMax,


A few questions to help me give you the best info.


  • Do you have an IT staff that maintains your site?  Or perhaps a WordPress site that someone knows how to maintain?
  • Are you just looking for a calendar application, or something that will also do registrations on your site? 
  • Will you be charging for your event, or is it free just for registering?

Many people just put text on their web sites with the date, subject matter, speakers, and a link to the Zoom registration site.  There are ways to add "branding" to the registration site on Zoom, which will help the customer experience.  And I've used a similar approach using Eventbrite's registration process.  

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.