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Private invites for webinars


I am setting up my first webinar and cannot figure out how to invite attendees privately. I can see how to invite panelists and hosts, but it seems I can only forward the invite to myself to send out. Any tips?



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @ktoal.


Assuming you have the email addresses for all of your invitees, one way is to enable "Registration Required," enable the Registration Confirmation Email, then upload your attendee information into the Registration tab at the bottom of your webinar.  Everyone you import will get their own customized Join link sent to them by Zoom.  You can also enable reminder emails at the 1 week, 1 day, and/or 1 hour point before the webinar starts.


Registration Required when setting up the webinar:



Confirmation Email and Reminders in the Email Settings tab:


Note that if you are scheduling a Meeting, there are no Reminder Emails for Meetings, only for Webinars.


Manage Attendees -> Import from CSV in the Invitations tab:



I highly recommend scheduling a "test webinar" and registering some family or volunteers just to make sure you have it all working.


Another option, of course, is to not require registration, and just send them the Join link visible in the Webinar details:


I don't recommend this approach, since it opens you up to allowing anyone who comes into possession of the link to attend.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Do you have to have a certain level of account to access these options? When I look at m email settings tab, those options seem to be missing.



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @QuantumCoach.


You're look at Meetings... the original question was relating to Webinars. 


There are no reminder emails on Meetings -- only an optional confirmation email immediately upon registration.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Contributor I
Contributor I

Correct. To send reminders for Meetings, there is a marketplace app, Salepager for sending reminders for Zoom meetings with registration.