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Pre-populate webinar registrant's name and email address


Hi! First time posting a questions here. I am working on a campaign where the client doesn't want webinar participants to have to fill out their names and email addresses when they register. since we've already collected it from them to populate the client's Constant Contact list. Rumor has it that you can do this with Zoom using either a custom registration link or using Zoom API integration. I can't seem to find a way to do that, however. Haven't checked out YouTube yet - figure I'd come here first but don't see any prior discussion. My guess is the API isn't an option since CC isn't on the list (MailChimp is but not the app we're using). But maybe someone knows about the Custom registration link? Any suggestions appreciated.


Contributor III
Contributor III

This can be accomplished using Zoom's APIs. Essentially you would create a form and prepopulate your contacts info in the url you share with each of them. The form will then autopopulate from the url and create a webinar registration using an API call. Each invitee would receive a unique link to register so that information prepopulates and saves time. If you are not a developer there is a Zoom app, Salepager, that can be used to let your contacts sign up for a Zoom webinar with information prepopulating.