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Not able to view attendees names during live Webinar


Hi, I'm having an issue viewing the attendees information during a live Webinar. I tried to turn on and off the feature, tries to reset all my setting it checks that i can view all but when I jump on live webinar the feature doesn't work. Also the chat feature, I can't see the chat of my clients during my zoom, i tried to turn on these setting but still no working. Does anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong? I have a licensed account for up to 500 participants. 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @RECH12.


I don't see any switches that would disable your ability to see the attendee names during a webinar.  See this Zoom Support article for some related info:


Did you click the Attendee tab, and there were just no names? Or was the Attendee tab missing from the Panelist window?  The list will also be empty if you have typed a bunch of characters (usually by accident) into the Filter text box.  Only names matching the entered characters will be seen (partial matches included).

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

can you send a screenshot of the participants tab?  And what is the issue with Chat?  Is it enabled?  Please send screenshot of the chat settings (...)

Denise Lahat
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