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Language interpretation in a Webinar that has 2 main languages




I'm curious about a technical aspect (or maybe it's advice?) of language interpretations in a Webinar.


So, here's the bulleted outline of the problem:

  • The event would feature 2 different languages spoken by many presenters - the spoken language is changed back and forth due to the complex schedule
  • So, there would be the original audio that's sometimes language A and sometimes language B.
  • Now, when we add interpreters to the equation, we can designate them to translate either A -> B or B -> A. Is this assumption correct?
  • As a listener, you can join in and choose either the original audio, language A or language B to listen to.

Now, the big question is: How can I make it possible that attendees don't have to constantly switch between the original audio and their language?


Or am I wrong with an assumption to the problem?


A million thanks to anyone willing to help me 🙂


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Community Champion | Customer

Just have one channel per language.  For example English > French would have interpretation from English to French and also from French to English.


Denise Lahat
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Would you care to elaborate on that? I'm quite sure I don't get it.

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Community Champion | Customer

Lets say the main speaker is English, then French.  During the English session the French speakers choose the English > French channel.  The next speaker is French, so then the English Speakers choose the same channel.  English > French.  (Even though technically its French > English).  I'm assuming also its the same translater for both directions.


Denise Lahat
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Community Champion | Customer

Correction.  After checking with my translator zoom opens 2 channels.  English and French.  When the original speaker speaks in English, the english channel has original audio and the translation is in French.  When she switches, and the original audio is in French, then the translator switches and will be heard on the ENglish channel and the French will be original audio.  Hope htat helps

Denise Lahat
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