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SDK failed to initialize with error code: ZoomVideoSDKError(rawValue: 1)

- Xcode Version: 15.0.1
- Device
: iPhone XR / iOS 17.3.1
- SetUp
: I have integrated the Zoom Video SDK using Swift Package Manager from repository (using the master branch) with my custom UI.

- Current State :- After migrating from Twilio to Zoom, I have successfully set up the backend and integrated everything, and video calls are functioning properly.

- Issue Faced :- Upon creating the video call request for the first time after the app launch, subsequent attempts to request a call with either the same or a different token and session name result in an error with ZoomVideoSDKError(rawValue: 1). I suspect this could be an initialization issue, as upon fresh app launch, the first-time video call connects successfully without any issues.

- Details :- To initialize the Zoom Meeting params, I use the following method every time a user starts a video call:

``func setUpZoomMetting() {

        debugPrint("call View Didload")

        initZoomParams.domain = ""

        initZoomParams.enableLog = true


        let sdkInitReturnStatus = ZoomVideoSDK.shareInstance()?.initialize(initZoomParams)

        switch sdkInitReturnStatus {

        case .Errors_Success:

            debugPrint(" *** SDK initialized successfully")

            ZoomVideoSDK.shareInstance()?.delegate = self



            if let error = sdkInitReturnStatus {

                debugPrint("*** SDK failed to initialize: \(error)")




----- And here's how I assign received token and session detail, obtained from the API ----

``func assignTokenAndDetailForJoinSession() {

        let sessionContext = ZoomVideoSDKSessionContext()

        sessionContext.token = zoomSessionToken

        sessionContext.sessionName = zoomSessionName

        sessionContext.userName = zoomUserName


        if let session = ZoomVideoSDK.shareInstance()?.joinSession(sessionContext) {

            debugPrint("Session joined successfully.")


        } else {

            debugPrint("joinSession: failed.")




 - Request :- I require your insights or assistance in identifying and resolving this initialization issue. For reference, I have attached the relevant codebase.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @rutika11 

This question would be better suited for the Zoom Developer's Forum, a dedicated forum for API, SDK, and other developer's questions. That forum can be found here: