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Receiving Action Required: JWT app type end-of-life notice emails


We received a few emails today for our Zoom accounts that state:


You are receiving this message because we have identified that you are the owner, admin, or developer of a JWT app. Zoom deprecated this app type on June 1, 2023, and will sunset all functionality on September 1, 2023. We urge you to migrate to a Server-to-Server or OAuth implementation immediately.



We deleted our JWT apps close to a year ago  and the only apps in our accounts are `Server-To-Server OAuth` apps. 


Is this perhaps sent in error, or am I missing some place that a JWT app is still running? 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @KhronosGroup.


If you’re sure you don’t have any JWT apps in use, I wouldn’t worry. Sometimes I think they target accounts with historical apps “just to be sure everyone gets the word.”


Still, I would recommend checking your app list at to be sure. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Checked on all accounts, nothing there that is JWT. My account is admin over around 100 different user accounts, is it possible one of those installed a JWT app and I am getting the notifications... not really wanting to spend my morning logging into each one to check. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Nah, me either. If someone hollers on September 1, just tell them “Didn’t you get the warning emails from Zoom?”  I think you’re probably okay. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Good enough for now, Thanks Ray.



If you are certain that you have deleted all JWT apps from your Zoom accounts and are currently only using "Server-To-Server OAuth" apps, it is possible that the email you received from Zoom was sent in error. However, to be certain and to address any potential concerns, it's best to verify your account settings and integrations directly within your Zoom account.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Log in to your Zoom account as the owner, admin, or developer.

  2. Navigate to the "App Marketplace" within your Zoom account.

  3. Check the list of installed apps and integrations to confirm that there are no JWT apps present.

  4. If you don't find any JWT apps and you are indeed only using "Server-to-Server OAuth" apps, then the email might have been sent in error.

  5. To be absolutely sure, you can also check with Zoom Support to inquire about the email and verify the status of your integrations.

Zoom's support team should be able to provide you with accurate information and clarify any confusion or issues related to your integrations. You can contact Zoom support through their official website or support channels.

It's always best to double-check and get confirmation from the official support channels when you receive emails about significant changes or actions related to your account or integrations. This will ensure that your account remains secure and up-to-date with the latest changes.


Thanks for the info. We did verify our admin accounts and there are no JWT apps there. I've opened a ticket with support and will report back here if they have something useful to add. Thanks for all the suggestions. 


We've contacted support, and they have confirmed that none of our accounts have JWT apps in them. The last comment from support was simply "You may ignore the notification, it was sent as our system detected that your account has JWT."  We did have a lot of back and forth so they know this was sent in error, hopefully they will adjust  their setup. Support was a bit slow to reply unfortunately, 5 days for first reply.