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New to ZOOM phone and trying not to completely HATE it- Need help


I cannot get this to work. There was no set up help from Zoom and you can't get them on the phone. I hate that auto receptionist crap that traps my callers with every incoming call. I hate the extension options, we don't have extensions in my office. The phone is supposed to ring and a live person picks up every time all the time in my office until this zoom phone has almost near killed my business and the personal touch we used to provide.   I'm trying to maneuver through this but it's been a week now and no help from Zoom.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @anniescott1,


I've helped a few people, and I'm a "solo Zoom Phone user" myself.  I like to start out with this question:


What would you really like to do?


Some people "just want their phone to ring".  Others want something more exotic.  Tell me and I'll help where I can!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


I just want the phone to ring and stay online without any issues.  Once it's ringing perfectly,  I'll never need to change it.  I just want it to ring like it's supposed to and I'll move on to other tasks

Creator I
Creator I

Ideally we would need more details to help you out.

From what you have said, it could be that you have a single DID and a single phone and nothing else. Or could be you have a single DID and multiple phones? Or multiple DIDs and multiple phones? No way to tell from the lack of details you have given.

A DID goes to an Auto Receptionist only if it was configured that way, a DID can certainly ring directly to Zoom Phone extensions.

I'll note here that Zoom Phone is based on extensions as the unique identifier and one can assign one or more DIDs to an extension. An extension can have unlimited number of Zoom apps using it, but only 3 physical phones assigned to it.

Zoom phone extensions are of 2 main types:

  • User based extensions that are tied to a specific Zoom account by email address
  • Common Area Phones that have limited features (no voicemail, etc)

Though auto-receptionists, call queues, shared line groups are also extension types.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Yeah, @anniescott1 ... it's the "we" part I'm not sure of.  If it's just you and you want all calls to come to you, that's easy to set up (with a little guidance).  But if there are multiple people involved, knowing who else will do anything with the "Company Number" will help us help you.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

And @anniescott1, you might want to take a quick look at this reply to a previous post... the simple answer to "I just want the phone to ring one person": 

It might be the simple thing you're looking for, at the bottom of the thread.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Hi Annie,


If you haven't already resolved this, I'll be happy to coach you through the settings that you will need to make the Zoom Phone System work the way that you would like. My company works similar to yours, it seems. We have a main number that people know about and all of the phones ring at the same time during business hours, or go to voicemail if no one answers and after hours.



Hi @anniescott1 


Were you able to get your Zoom Phone system set up the way that you would like? 



I was able to get it working the way it is supposed to work. Thank you all. 

