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Problem with international time zones for attendees


I am trying to schedule a meeting for 9:00 pm EST tonight. The participant is in Bangkok. When I sent him the invite the email said it would be 1:00 am Sunday for him. That's wrong. 9pm EST to Bangkok should be 8am the following day. So, I tried it with a friend in Denmark. The same thing happened. I scheduled a meeting for 3pm EST and the email that said the meeting would be at 7pm his time. It should have said 9pm his time.  When I tried to send him another invitation for a different time, the invitation didn't include a time or date at all. 


I am using Outlook for mail. 


I updated Zoom. I made sure my Time was correct in Windows. I resynced my time, just because. I rebooted the computer.  Does anyone have any ideas for what I might be doing wrong?




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

If you are referring to an email sent via Outlook, you should probably be working with Microsoft for support. I know Outlook will send  meeting notifications to other time zones correctly – but it depends on the local time zone being set correctly at both the source and destination computers. 

If you are referring to an email sent from Zoom – every Zoom email I’ve seen only reports the start time based on the scheduling hosts setting in the meeting schedule. 

Maybe someone else has more information and can chime in. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.