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Technical issues with ONE Zoom host only ( ? )


Having a problem with a specific host on Zoom. I use Zoom and have never had any technical issues whatsoever - except for this particular one. Had a few meetings initially - no issues. The last two meetings - despite doing a zoom test re:  controls prior with no issues showing / all systems go - I have experienced extreme frustration as I was unable to access my mic primarily and have also had issues with the camera and chat. Both times, I continued to attempt to engage my mic the entire time - and other attendees noticed this and told the host to unmute me. At the very end of the second time these tech issues  happened, the chat suddenly became active in the last 5 minutes as people were leaving - which I find odd.  I then quickly texted and asked the moderator to check in at the end. She waited - and told me that I should " find someone younger to help " which was imho rude and dismissive. I am really puzzled as these meetings were cleared as all systems go on Zoom - as well as the fact that my chat suddenly started working only at the end of a session which I find odd. Does this not point to Admin controlling ? As I had no desire to continue to pay for such a frustrating experience , I cancelled and further meetings with this host. I have since had several Zoom meetings with other groups no issues whatsoever. Any thoughts on my experience not being able to enable the mic, chat and camera ( one time ). Host is not taking any responsibility on their end and telling me that they " can't be responsible for my technical difficulties"  - which ONLY happened with host the last two times. Thanks for any thoughts you may have.