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Messages not appearing in chat, just phone notifications


Yesterday I started having an issue where I can no longer receive chat messages in either the phone or desktop app...kinda.  When someone sends me a message it will appear on my phone as a notification, but if I go to check the chat in either the phone app or the desktop app, the message is not there. I have restarted and signed in/off several time to see if that would reset things, but to no avail. Tested again this morning and still having the same issue. Very frustrating as I have no idea how to troubleshoot something like this.





I am having this exact issue and tried the same troubleshooting. It's been going on since last week off and on. I couldn't find an answer on the Support page. I hope someone monitors this Community and helps because my company uses Chat extensively. I'm afraid I will me an important message.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@sealog444 and @SharonN 

On Dec 7th, there was an issue reported that is similar to what you are both stating.  This can be found on the Zoom Status page.  You can subscribe to notifications via the page as well. The link is below.  There are some updates that are being pushed out this week/weekend.  You can read about them on the status page as well.  I've not seen anything in notices about impacts during updates but please post if this is still an issue.


Hi there,


Myself and multiple other colleagues of mine have the same issue as stated above. We've noticed it in our weekly calls with a group we support over the last few weeks. A notification will appear on desktop or phone indicating someone typed a message but when the chat is opened the message is not there.

I clicked the link but it lead me to a general operations page with no information about how to resolve this topic. Can you please provide a specific link if this issue has been solved in another thread or assist in solving the issue. 


Thank you,



Did you find a solution to this? I'm experiencing this over this weekend...