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Enable Participant to See Only Their Own Questions


As a webinar organiser, is there a way for me to allow each participant to see only his question(s), but not the questions posed by other participants?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello beethoventitan,


If you are using chat to take questions, you can set it so that attendees can chat with panelists only or panelists and attendees. If you select "panelists and attendees," all attendees will be able to see what is posted to the chat. 


For this reason, we recommend the Q&A be used to receive questions, and chat be disabled for attendees. By default, in the Q&A, attendees can only see the questions they posted. Another advantage of using Q&A is the ability to run a Q&A report to see all submitted questions.


Hope this helps!

If this answers your question, please click "Accept solution". Thank you!

Dear vescamilla,

  Thanks for replying so promptly.

  Would you be able to share the steps on how I can allow attendees to only see the questions they post?  Thanks in advance!