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Public Page link BROKEN


First off - Zoom support sucks. "WHY???" Just why, guys.


I have had the paid subscription to the zoom scheduler for a couple of years now, loved it (notice the past tense here?). I have a link to my public page in my email signature and most recently, more specifically in early May, the link has stopped working. My clients have reportedly clicked the link to schedule time with me and my public page just spins and spins. I thought it was nice for a while, because my clients had to figure out their own problems and my calendar was a bit slow. But now it's just irritating.


I went and tried the link myself and sure enough, they were right (dammit), the link just brings me to a page that spins. I've tried everything: Updated my browser, tried from different browsers, deleted my history and cache, deleted the link in my email and pasted a new one... EVERYTHING. 


To top it off, I've tried chatting with the stupid auto-fed zoom VA and I've searched the community forums. Someone please help!! I'd provide you with my zoom link to schedule a meeting with me so we could work through it together but - oh wait, that's what's broken!