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New Zoom Desktop Interface is Frustrating

New Member
New Member

Why don't yopu make the upgrade to the new Zoom interface an option the user can specify when it will take place?   The previsous interface was perfect for my needs, and when in a hurry to schedule a new meeting I am met with an interfweace that I now have to learn all over again.


I figured it out, but I must say I find the older interface design more lelgant and efficine.  Your giving me features I don't care about.


And I love Zoom... It is so much more reliable than any other video conferencing platform.


Just thought you should know All knowing and all wise Zoom




I agree 100%  I had to go to the web version to find my list of recurring meetings... a total pain!

New Member
New Member

Same here, where previously all your meetings were immediately visible, now they're making us work at finding them.  These changes are for changes sake, and I do not see an improvement to the user experience. Sad, because Zoom is the best platform out there.


I eventually found where to get my list of recurring meetings on the first screen that comes up... fine print at the bottom of the screen...then I had to hunt around to find the "copy link" command -- both used to come up right away when opening the previous version of Zoom.  Improvement?? not so much.....Total pain in the patootie!!!