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New Zoom Desktop Interface is Frustrating


Why don't yopu make the upgrade to the new Zoom interface an option the user can specify when it will take place?   The previsous interface was perfect for my needs, and when in a hurry to schedule a new meeting I am met with an interfweace that I now have to learn all over again.


I figured it out, but I must say I find the older interface design more lelgant and efficine.  Your giving me features I don't care about.


And I love Zoom... It is so much more reliable than any other video conferencing platform.


Just thought you should know All knowing and all wise Zoom




I agree 100%  I had to go to the web version to find my list of recurring meetings... a total pain!


Same here, where previously all your meetings were immediately visible, now they're making us work at finding them.  These changes are for changes sake, and I do not see an improvement to the user experience. Sad, because Zoom is the best platform out there.


I eventually found where to get my list of recurring meetings on the first screen that comes up... fine print at the bottom of the screen...then I had to hunt around to find the "copy link" command -- both used to come up right away when opening the previous version of Zoom.  Improvement?? not so much.....Total pain in the patootie!!!


I wholeheartedly agree. I am glad to know I am not alone. Why did they need to change it, and why did they give us no warning? It disoriented me all last week as I was opening up meetings. I'd go back to the old interface like a shot if I could. 


Agree with you. -- Furthermore, I've had trouble using at least one of my previous recurring meetings links since the update, had to make a new one.  Haven't checked the others yet.....What a pain!


Leave well enough alone. The most expensive part of new software is training everybody to use it. A total redesign sprung on us at once like this upgrade is not helpful. Also the visible screen size is now reduced. Very unhelpful.

Yes, the visible screen size and repositioning of the scheduled meetings is a pain and for me, it's a bit hard to see. I would like to see the meetings return to the left side of the screen AND return to their previous size as it was in version 5.17.11 (34827). I would post screenshots it were possible.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for taking the time to submit feedback on Zoom Workplace. We truly appreciate your input on what's working, what's not, and what you'd like to see in the future. Please know that your feedback is invaluable and plays a crucial role in shaping our future updates. With that said, the Zoom Workplace update includes several enhancements and optimizations designed to improve your experience and security. We highly encourage you to explore and utilize these new features, such as the AI Companion, to maximize your Zoom experience.


Thank you again for your feedback. We are committed to continuously improving and better preparing our users for success within our platform.

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

How about a tutorial to show us how the new interface works...where things were and where they are now.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @Scottbr1


I will forward your request to the relevant teams- I think this is a great idea and would be beneficial to users. Thank you! 

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

And an option to revert to the previous interface.  New one is bloated and buggy.  

Are you saying that Zoom completely overhauled the user interface and hasn't created any tutorials yet?

That sounds like the typical tech monopoly response (not like the original Zoom team). If I were to make changes and have a large community tell me that they hate the changes, I would do something to actually make the experience better (not pitch the new things your company likes). The new interface is so frustrating and the automatic Outlook invite being eliminated has me looking for an alternate platform. Please don't become Meta, Google, or Microsoft (they are each evil capitalist oligarchs). Listen and respond to your customers



I agree. This morning the zoom client was familiar and I was able to see my scheduled meetings but now it's been moved from the left side of the window (where it's been proven that people spend most of their focus), to the lower middle in small letters which took me several minutes to find - now a lot of wasted space on the screen. I don't understand this culture of change for the sake of change and then calling it an upgrade/improvement. It's not, it's just frustrating. When you have a working model that people are familiar with and mostly not complaining about, why risk changing it and upsetting your user community? But it's not just zoom, it seems most (not all) websites have this desire to spend money on constantly changing their UI. Again, very frustrating.


 I HATE this new interface. It's confusing! Why did you change it? It worked perfectly well before.  Tinkering with a produt doesn't necessarily make it better! Go back to the original interface, please!


 Until you restore the interface to the original, I'm moving my meetings to Teams.


I have been using Zoom for years. Today I went to sechedule a meeting and everything is upside down. I PAY a year fee to use zoom and today I couldn't add my contacts!! Where autofill used to fill in the email addresses for my atendees that did not happen today. I HATE THIS NEW INTERFACE. 

And to top it off you want to charge me to use a scheduler!!!! WHAT???? I use this tool to meet with family members once a week. That's it! I already pay too much for this service but I was willing to pay the extra so that my sibs and I could stay connected. BUT THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

I WANT A REFUND!!!! And yet I don't see anyeay to contact someone. Please let me know how to get in touch. I did not pay for this ridiculous upgrade so I am returning it!

New Member
New Member

I agree, It is so cluttered and confusing and clumbsy. I just keep going back to teams now 😞 Why do people like to application???