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How to schedule a meeting for someone else


Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to schedule a meeting for my boss where he is the host and I don't have to be on the zoom meeting.  I've upgraded my account and it's attached to my bosses account as instructed to me by the Zoom sales team but it's been a few weeks now and when I ask the Zoom representatives how to do this they only send me articles on how to schedule a meeting normally.  They've been less than helpful, ignoring follow up emails and as of this moment I've been on hold for 45 min.  


So, it's pretty much that simple.  My account (supposedly) has admin capabilities attached to my bosses account however I have no idea how to schedule zoom meetings for him where he is the host, anything I try to schedule automatically puts me as the host and these are calls I don't need to or can't be on.  


Thank you in advance!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



Scheduling privilege is designed for a user or an executive admin to:

  • Assign or delegate a user or multiple users in your account to schedule meetings on your behalf. 
  • Schedule meetings on behalf of a user (or multiple users) that has assigned you scheduling privilege. If both users have a webinar license, they can also schedule webinars for you.
  • Access cloud recordings and meeting reports for those you are a delegate for. 
  • Act as an alternative host for any meetings you have scheduling privilege for. 

You and the assigned scheduler must both be Licensed or On-Prem. 



If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!


Can you set a meeting on behalf of you r boss if you are an admin on the account but you are not set as a delegate?


You can do this from the web portal.

Admin: User Management: Users - Click the user ID link, Meetings, Schedule a meeting. 

I would encourage using the Schedule Privilege even if you are an admin. One user who needs another user to schedule for them must assign them permissions under Scheduler Privilege under Settings/Meetings. Then depending on what email system you use and what Zoom plug-ins or apps you have installed on your email system will dictate the next steps. We use Google and the Chrome plug-in which has to follow a very defined process to have it work successfully. But it does work beautifully.


We use Google for our calendar service and it is tricky to say the least. If you use Google, you have to make sure he has given you permissions to his Google calendar and also added you as a delegate in Zoom. Then we use the Zoom Chrome plug-in ensuring that it shows the options each time. Then there is a drop-down that you can choose who the host will be. We have found this to be very successful. I can show if you want help.

I need this functionality - please can you explain how it works thanks


The instructions I have are for using the Zoom Chrome plug-in for Google. What email system do you use?


I use Google


If you want to post your email, I can send you a meeting invite and show you.