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Product Selection Help! Zoom Room vs Zoom Client, etc.


Our company schedules multiple zoom meetings a week with clients to present them with their final products. We want to be able to use the same link for all meetings so that the automated messages to our clients can include the zoom meeting link, without us having to edit it each time.  Currently there are no client meetings that overlap, but that may change in the near future as we grow.


What is the best product to do this with? We initially thought creating a Zoom Room would be the best, but it seems to require actual physical conference rooms. We are a fully remote, small business. Essentially, we need a way to have a single, unchanging link to share with clients that any of our 3 to 5 employees can host a meeting through. Screen & audio sharing on our end is a must. Something that doesn't require the client to download Zoom if they don't want to would be a major plus. We use Acuity for scheduling client meetings with our staff, which appears to have the ability to integrate with Zoom.


Any guidance appreciated!!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Let's take a Zoom Rooms license off the table - this is not what you need.


It sounds like a 'no-fixed-time' recurring meeting would serve your needs best - this would allow unlimited joins of a meeting through the same link, regardless of date/time.

While the feature doesn't have its own KB article, it's referenced in this one: