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Debounce and/or Delay in Zoom Room Native Controls


We currently use a Crestron system in concert with a Zoom Room Native Controls profile. We wouldn't need the added complexity if we could delay a message in ZRNCs. The problem is when someone unplugs and plugs back in too quickly, and the projector or display continues to shut down because it missed the message during its cool-down phase. We wouldn't need Crestron to create the buffer if we could send a second "on" command a few seconds later to reinforce the intended outcome.


Contributor II
Contributor II

I would strongly second this. It would be nice to be able to delay projector shutdown or even display shutdown.
I had some older projectors with 20s shutdown cycles and it was so painful.
The best solution I've found is to get newer projectors which have a much shorter cycle time.
Perhaps there's a way to use zr_people_not_detected to turn off the projectors if no one is in the room.
Another solution is to train people to always start a meeting before sharing. This keeps the projector running but increases the chances it will remain running until the next meeting or all weekend.


Oops - I posted this twice. This one has been getting more traction:

@bouquillon, that link doesn't work for me (Access Denied) and I couldn't find the post by searching.


I'd also like to point out that this wasn't a problem before Zoom took away CEC controls. You used to be able to set an input time out on the projector and it would go off on its own after X minutes of no signal input.