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Zoom Phone Integrations for CRM


We are looking to migrate to a new CRM next year, one that can be customized to be less sales based, and more general relationship and communication management. One requirement is that it has to have Zoom Phone integration.  Microsoft Dynamics seems so expensive.  Has anyone else found a solution that they love?


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi bbpjessica,


i and my clients have found gartner research to be useful in starting the software vendor eval process. 


take a look at peer reviews where you may be able to see what your peers think about various crm vendors.

CRM Customer Engagement Center (CEC) Reviews 2022 | Gartner Peer Insights


gartner also has its magic quadrant report.  this report is based on research that gartner does.  these reports are expensive but most major vendors will be happy to supply a copy. 


thanks,  eliot