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Zoom Call handling for external calls


Hi All,


I am new to Zoom and  our companies Zoom system. We are having a issue with the Call Handling for external calls. We have set the Call Handling Ring Mode to "Sequential" and this works as expected when receiving internal calls. I.E. It calls the Zoom app for 30 second before then trying the mobile.

However when receiving external calls it always calls both numbers simultaneously. Is there a separate setting for this somewhere? 






Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @brendonw,


More information, please.  Is the Sequential setting you’re referring to on a Call Queue, or on an individual user’s phone settings?  If you’re talking about a Call Queue, it might be helpful to see the IVR setup.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Hi Ray,


The users are in a Call Queue, however we are changing the ringing setting on the individuals users phone settings (this has worked fine in previous PABX's that i have worked on.)

In our situations some users like to have both Zoom and Mobile ringing at once in-case they are out of data range but others find it annoying having the 2 ringing at once and then showing a missed call on the mobile if you answer it in Zoom.



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Thanks, that's helpful.  I could probably be of some help with one (Call Queue) or the other (individual phones), but just how the integration of the two would work -- that would take me some time to wrap my head around!


Are you on a Business or Enterprise account?  If so, I'd suggest your Zoom admin (which might be you, but I can never tell) give your Zoom Support rep a call and ask for help on this.  If you're just on a Pro account (like me), I'll look into it a bit and we'll see what I come up with... but might take me some time.


Or we might get lucky and get a real Zoom Phone expert from the community jump in with some "advice from experience."

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

So after alot of talking with the Zoom helpdesk I have found out the following.


If you are part of a call queue Sequential calling for the users Zoom app and Mobile phone DOES NOT WORK. They have not programmed Zoom in a way to be able to handle this so even though you can choose sequential calling on the users profile it doesn't do anything. Any calls coming through on the call queue ring the app and mobile simultaneously. Zooms solution was to uninstall the app from my phone or turn my data off, neither particularly helpful options. 


Needless to say I'm extremely disappointed about this and will be looking for a PABX that can get simple things like this right.

Hi Brendon,


I understand how you would be disappointed. Currently, the Call Handling that the User sets groups all of the Zoom Applications devices (desktop, mobile, Zoom Phone Appliance) together when ringing in either 'Sequential' or 'Simultaneous' Ring Mode. External numbers and contacts can be separated and prioritized, such as calling my cell number or calling my home phone.  


There was an enhancement mentioned during Zoomtopia last year about uncoupling the Zoom Applications by device for this purpose; however, it has not shown up yet. 


You could always submit a feature request on the form at




Hi Craig,


Thanks for the response, in regards to "External numbers and contacts can be separated and prioritized, such as calling my cell number or calling my home phone. "

I am interested in hearing more. From my testing with the Zoom helpdesk we worked out that if it is a direct call that is coming through to the user then the call flow can be prioritized, i.e. in "Sequential" mode it will ring the zoom app for 30 seconds before trying the cell number.


HOWEVER if a call comes from a call queue (not a direct dial) "Sequential" mode no longer works and it rings the zoom app and cell number at the same time. If you know of a work around for this that you could share that would be amazing.



Hi Brendon,


You are indeed correct. I tested it with my own account, and even though my personal User settings were set as 'Sequential" which works with direct calls, calls come through to both simultaneously when they come to me via a Call Queue. 😞 


If you haven't already done so, I would definitely recommend submitting a feature request at Do specify that you are submitting a Feature Request, and explain as clearly as you have done here what the situation is.



