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meeting without me as a host?


I am the admin and I booked a room, regular, once in a week. I want to give it to our associates to use it when needed. I will give the roomlink to the group once. I dont wat to attend and open all the meetings. Is it possible to use the room without me as a host? How can I  fix it in the settings? 



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi cmlife! Welcome to Zoom Community! 🎉 One way to start a meeting is by assigning an alternative host. In case you are running late or might not be able to attend the meeting that you have set, your alternative host can start the meeting for you. Please do take note of the prerequisites when using alternative host:


  • Zoom desktop client for Windows or macOS, 4.1.8826.0925 or higher
  • Zoom mobile app
    • Android: 4.1.8860.0925 or higher
    • iOS: 4.1.8855.09254.1.8855.0925 or higher
  • Both users need to be Licensed and on the same account
  • For webinar, the user who schedules the meeting needs both a license and the webinar add-on; the alternative host only needs to be Licensed
  • Alternative hosts must be signed in to Zoom with the correct account in order to be granted the host or co-host permissions

Here's an article for additional reference: