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iPhone audio login for meetings accessed remotely from outside of office


 When working from home we have the ability to remotely access our office desktop computers from our home computers.  For zoom meetings during those times, I will log on for the video portion on my computer, and call in on my iPhone for the audio.  On the last couple of zoom meetings that I’ve called into when working remotely, when I enter the meeting ID &/or passcode on my phone, zoom somehow changes the numbers I enter, even though it shows the correct numbers on my phone.  The automated voice will read the numbers back to me, and a couple of them will be wrong, and not the ones I entered.  After two attempts zoom will hang up on me.  I just have to keep trying, and eventually in gets it right, but I am invariably late to the meetings when this occurs.  Very strange.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

This seems like a mildly inefficient way to take meetings. Is there a reason why you cannot simply use Zoom on your phone (app) or home computer?

If your company has a remote desktop infrastructure, they may wish to consider looking into Zoom VDI (a no-cost/low-cost solution that will allow you to use the audio/video on your local machine funneled into your remote machine). You can point your IT/AV team here:


No answer for the dial-in issues, I will leave these for another community member!

It seems as though there may be an issue interpreting DTMF tones from your phone correctly (it may be helpful to provide the make/model and service provider, as well as which Zoom dial-in numbers you're using).