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i can't see myself on video? I can see others on the video link,


i can't see myself on video zoom link ?



Me either and this has happened two weeks in a row now. I have a Dell Latitude. I also checked that my camera is fine and not being used by any other apps. I can see the other folks but my square is black and just my name shows. Very frustrating!!!

If your square is displaying your name that means that Zoom doesn't think you have a camera, or it thinks that your camera is turned-off/muted.


Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen

When I am on a zoom, I don't see my square nor my name.  Others can see my square and hear me, but I can't.  When I log into my account and start a meeting, I can see and hear. What can I do to correct this?


I had this problem where my zoom square NOR my name appeared in the participant list. I found that I had to click on the SHOW SELF VIEW from the UPPER RIGHT corner of the Zoom window that says: VIEW.  

It might be showing:  Hide Self View.

Change it to: Show Self View. 


The square and your name will return.


Hope this helps!

When scheduling a zoom call I make sure that I choose that the camera is on and I make sure the camera is on via settings on my laptop.  Still, I do not see myself nor can others see me.  I have no problem, however, with the Zoom app on my cellphone.

I have the same problem with a latitude since the last zoom update. So, Windows update, drivers update,  and the problem remains ...


My camera is black and I cannot see myself on it.  Others cannot see me either.  What do I need to do to correct this?


Hi it has happened now a couple of times, that my camera is on, but my screen is totally black but I can see the participants in my meeting.  How do I resolve this?  Thank you in advance for any suggestions, I have a MacBook Pro




So, it seems that many of us have this problem. But  no answers?



I have been facing this issue for a week now! I can see myself when I log onto Zoom, but as soon as the other participant joins, I can no longer see myself in whatever window view I choose to apply! It is very frustrating!