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how to disable zoom code requirement for launching meeting


I run a small meeting that happens once a week. I need to remove the "zoom code" requirement that automatically engages if someone tries to launch the meeting from a new computer, ip address, etc. We need to start rotating the hosting/launching the meeting duties and cannot be tied to having a zoom code emailed out to the admin's email address


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @deb_munroe.


It's unlikely you are going to be able to circumvent the "zoom code" emailed when someone attempts to use an account at a new device.  The purpose of this is two-fold: First, it's a security measure.   Second, it's an attempt by Zoom to keep people from sharing a single host account among many people, which is a violation of Zoom's Terms of Service.  See my reply to this post earlier today.


In your case, you've stated it's "your meeting", but sounds like on occasion you can't be there to host the meeting, and you'd like someone else to be able to host.  That would be a permissible case of allowing someone else to be "host" at the meeting.


Here's how to enable the meeting to proceed without you personally starting the meeting each time:

  • Enable the Join before host meeting setting.  I recommend a 15 minute window, and highly discourage the "Any time" option which would allow anyone to join the meeting any time.
  • Disable the Waiting Room option.
  • Enable the Passcode.
  • Provide the link with embedded Passcode or the Meeting ID and Passcode to invitees.

Within the Join before host early arrival window, anyone with the meeting Join link can join the meeting.


If you need someone to be Host, provide one or more trusted members of the group with your Host Key, available on your Profile page on the Zoom Web Portal.  They are able to "Claim Host" on entering the meeting by clicking on the Claim Host button on bottom of the Participants window.


See more information on these Zoom Support articles:

Host Key info:

Join before Host Info: 

Zoom’s TOS document is available here (See especially section 1.2 Prohibition on Sharing): 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.