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all Zoom Meeting recordings are 640x360


Everyone in our company has just noticed that all recordings (saved to the Zoom cloud) are now only 640x360.  Why?  

My friend tried with their work account and it is doing the same thing.  Only saves as 640x360.


This used to be much higher resolution.  What happened?



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Zoom is infamous for its lack of transparency regarding recording resolutions and will work hard to use the lowest resolutions possible unless individual endpoints are requesting hi-res feeds via a series of sometimes-repeatable conditions.


Here's what we've found to be most helpful for hi-res cloud recordings:

1.) Get Group HD enabled on your account (need to manually request this) and enable it for your meeting host (1080p is ideal).

2.) Make sure at least 1 endpoint/user is connected in full-screen with active speaker mode selected. If there is content being shared, drag the bar in between camera and content so that camera occupies the most screen real estate possible.

3.) Ensure "Optimize the recording for 3rd party editor" is selected in your recording settings (via web).

4.) Use wired ethernet connections wherever possible (this is true for any real-time communications over IP, even 'use me recklessly on Wi-Fi' Zoom).

3.) Check statistics on this endpoint (Settings->Statistics). Under the Statistics->Video tab, you'll see you're receive resolution - this should be either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 if everyone has a strong/stable internet connection, a healthy computer with plenty of CPU resources to spare, etc. If you can confirm the receive resolution here, you should absolutely get that resolution on your cloud recordings.



Also note an item from the upcoming 10/23 web release:

  • Restoring access to 720/1080 HD video settings for webinars
    Zoom is restoring access to 720 and 1080 HD video options for webinars to eligible paid accounts. Additionally, admins will be able to control use of HD video for meetings and webinars through separate settings at the account, group, and user levels. This will be immediately available for all new accounts, with existing accounts regaining access over the next few months. Accounts that already have requested and gained access to these HD options will continue to have access.


I find it vey odd that even recording my own Zoom Meeting locally, it is recording at 640x360.

And I know I have the CPU power to do much higher resolutions because last month's recordings were all OVER 1080p when recording locally, it was full screen resolution for our presentations.  Cloud recordings were 1080p.  Now all of a sudden everything is recording 640x360.  No settings were changed.