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Zoom computer audio not sharing keyboard midi for piano lessons


Hi there,


In my losing my way in the midst of what became a puzzle, I had forgotten to leave my DAW open.

I am delivering keyboard/piano lessons online and am have difficulty with sharing the computer audio to hear the midi of the keyboard.

I have tried several potential solutions, though as yet still cannot hear the sound.

The midi works when going through Garageband.

I've set up the midi for the Zoom input/output in midi settings on Garageband. When in Zoom I click 'share computer audio' and no sound comes out. The small box to tick for option of 'share sound' is greyed out.


I have also tried going through my audio interface with the leads from keyboard to interface. Then choosing that as the speaker option.


I've tested out the different options of sound including for 'live musicians' and get the message there's a problem turning it on.


The sound is set to only me to share, not multiple participants. 

I have updated Zoom, and restarted. 
I'm using a Macbook with High Sierra.


I trust someone can help, I'm in quite a puzzle with it.




was this question solved? If so, please share the steps with me. Thank you!

Hi there, 

This has bamboozled me and to be accurate I will check it again. I gave up with Zoom, and moved to recording lessons with another program with the intention of them being pre-recorded. However, I would prefer the option of live classes, and rereading my post, According to my reply to myself above I said I had forgotten to leave my DAW open. As I recall, this still didn't work! 

So to be concise, I haven't solved it. And I'm puzzled. 
i shall test the set up once again with the DAW open and share the results. 

Have you made any progress and found a solution? 
Kind Regards

Hi Again, 

I did a quick test, choosing Zoom as the audio input and output. I didn't try midi or sharing computer audio. Only turned on sound for musicians in the top right corner. 
I played my keyboard - electric piano and spoke, and it worked! 
I listened back after recording the meeting, in a 5 min experiment.


So, I'm not using midi at all. 

I hope this helps you and that you find the solution too.

all the best

hi and thanks for your messages. So to provide more context, I've been able to use my external mic and can get audio from my guitar. But haven't had any luck with audio from the midi keyboard nor am i able to share audio when using my audio interface (sound card). It appears that using the zoom audio in and out will use the internal mic which I don't want and am doubtful that it will transmit the midi audio. Or at the least, this is my assumption. I will give this a try to just in case. 


Thanks for sharing your set up. The MIDI aspect was the one I gave up on as it hadn't worked. In future I may want to use it if I'm sharing sound through Garageband, and perhaps it will get solved by then.

I understood that by setting the midi options as Zoom In & Out from Garageband, and then choosing to share computer audio in Zoom, the sound would come through. Though this option of sharing the computer audio was always greyed out.


I trust you find a solution, if I discover one I'll post it here. 
all the best.


thanks again for your response. I should also note that i'm using a PC. I think the user experience is a bit different with the two different platforms. I have a number of different "microphone in" options as well as "speaker out" options but have never seen a general Zoom audio in or out. I'm sure there's a way to do this but perhaps its not with zoom which is unfortunate. Hopefully others will chime in and/or Zoom will take note and respond. 

thanks again!