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Zoom Recordings Recorded - but cant access


I am so frustrated. I did a recording and it didn't inform me that I needed a paid plan in order to access the recording. Not until after it finished processing and downloading, and after I google searched, that I learned you have to pay. I would have done a recording on my mac if I new this. Be careful, dont do a recording through Zoom unless you are sure it will record.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @ericabeth.


Cloud recording is a feature not available to Basic accounts... but it shouldn't let you event start a cloud recording -- the record button should read "Record on this Computer".  This means that your recording is likely on your computer.  Look in your Zoom Settings on the Recording tab for the location where your recordings are stored.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.