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Zoom Polling- Survey Tab


Hi everyone,


We have many recurring meetings but now when I create polls for different meetings all the polls for every meeting shows up in the Poll feature when in the meeting which is a huge headache because I only want the poll that is relevant to that meeting. Does anyone have a solution for this?



I reached out to Zoom support.  They do not have information about this issue. 

"I will look into this further and get back to you via email." 

I will post the reply if they provide a solution.

Hi Melisa, how did you manage to get a hold of Zoom support? I can't seem to find a way to contact them. 

I started with the Zoom Bot and repeatedly asked for a person.  They mostly provided me with support articles (which I had already read and did not account for the new changes/problems with polls).  But then said they would review the issue further and get back to me.  As of last night, they are still researching.


Okay super, thanks for sharing that!

Definitely hoping they can fix this issue. 


Thanks Melissa and Ckoebel for posting about this. I am having the same issue / concern.  I've also noticed that in addition to every poll question appearing  in the meeting  when I run a poll, I cannot 'order' the polls in any way. So I am searching through multiple polls. The result is I am creating and deleting polls every day. Not ideal and I so hope they fix this soon.

Something that I started doing was labelling and numbering the polling questions so at least I could see which questions are for each session but a huge annoyance to deal with :(.


I didnt think it was possible for the polling feature to be worse but here we are! I was so excited to see a central location to create polls. I was not excited to see ALL THOSE POLLS in my scheduled webinars. I should be able to pick and choose which ones I want to add like you do in Webex.  SO dissappointed with this update. 

More than a year later and its even worse than when i originally posted! Terrible awful no good admin experience.