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Zoom Meeting Due - Alarm - how to switch it off?


Since installing current version of Zoom on phone (not the faulty Beta one) I have audio alarms going off every time to tell me a meeting is due.  Can anyone tell me how to switch that audio alarm reminder systemoff?
NB: This is NOT the sound for people entering or leaving meetings.  It is an alarm for a meeting due to start, and I want to switch it off.


HI Rachel, thanks for your reply.
Not sure where you mean.. Zoom on the desktop app?  iphone app? somewhere else?
I dont see anything call Manage Participants
Please be more specific... not sure where to look

I think user is referring to zoom app on ios. I have the same question.

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi mmckie,



You can turn off zoom notifications on iphones.


Notifications: Allows Zoom the ability to display notifications for chat messages, upcoming meetings, and more.


Getting started with iOS - Zoom Support


On your iphone settings for Zoom, you can turn off all Zoom notifications by unchecking Notification Center.  I have not found a way to selectively turn off notification for zoom meeting due.




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thanks,  eliot