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What happened to the options to view more or less in the list of chats and channels??!!?


Is it me or did Zoom just removed the feature where only the most recent chats or channels would appear on your list and everything would be hidden with the option to "view all" or hide if you didn't want to have to scroll through the entire list. This is very annoying and would like to know if this is still available. I tried right clicking and looked in the settings but couldn't find anything. I can't imagine why whoever made this decision thought it would be a good idea.  Why fix something that ain't broke?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi Alex!


The only aggregate list of chats/channels that you can scroll through is the @Mentions where you can see mentions in recent order. 


This @mentions feature is still there though, so if it's hidden you can unhide it in your settings.


For everything else, you will need to click through individual channels or chats, there is not and has never been an aggregate of recent chats that didn't require you to go to individual chats/channels besides the @mentions feature I described.


You can definitely request this feature: as it sounds like a really cool idea!







Thanks Micah. But I did have the option to click on a "View more" to expand and "View Less" to only show the top handful or so of each chat/channel on the list of chats or channels on the left hand side frame.  Those "View More" or "view less" options are no longer there.  They were there at the bottom of each list.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi Alex, 

Whmm, I see what you mean, I don't remember the show more button, but maybe the recent change to folders replaced that. It looks like this was the only recent change to the left sidebar:


Zoom Chat  

Sidebar customization and folders for grouping chats and channels
Keep your chats and channels organized and easy to navigate with the ability to customize your left sidebar and create folders for Zoom Chat. The folders feature enables users to group and self-organize their channels and group chats in up to 200 folders, as well as organize the chats and channels within those folders. This feature is scheduled to become available on March 28, 2022.


Does that timeline line up with when you noticed the change?




Yeah that's probably when it happened because it was very recent. 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi Alex,


that must be it then. Can you test out the folders and provide feedback on if you prefer the previous sidebar look and behavior? You can use this link: 




For me particularly, if I have the option to star a chat/channel, I don't see the need to organize them into folders.  It's more of a personal preference, I guess. I still think you should have kept that "view more" or "view less" feature...imho.


You aren't dreaming.

It's a feature that was removed or "augmented" (?)

I was on 5.8. Updated to 5.10, and now it's gone.


yeah there's a lot of people I chat with on Zoom and then we have chat groups as well and channels and not everyone calls out people with the @ sign. I liked the feature because it kept only the most recent/active chats/channels on top and the rest was hidden from view.  If I wanted to look at anything that was not on the top 5?, I would just hit the view more link and it would expand.  Then after I was done, I could hit the view less link to hide it again.  I tried to use thee folders but that's so not intuitive for me, I'm not going to use it.  Sometimes I wonder if product people actually listen to their users before making changes like this. 

I would also like this feature restored. Was a bad idea to remove or augment this IMO. Very useful so I dont have to scroll through 100 chats to find the channel below I need. 


Same here - I really liked they way it was before: Only recent chats and the rest hidden. It's very annoying to have this endless list of chats that you need to scroll through! Please get the show / hide chats function back on!


Same here.  having this disappear is frustrating.