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Webpage zoom home page error


Probably not got the correct Board as system issue not there. So when I login into my account on a windows PC (not the app) I am bounced off the home page with the error trouble fetching user data. All other pages are working fine. What do I need to do? I have restarted PC, logged off and on.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@da62 - This is definitely not normal, and not something I have heard others reporting.  Have you tried multiple browsers (Chrome is preferred), and have you cleared your browser cache?

Thank you - yes I have tried multiple browsers and same it bounces me straight off the home page. The only way I read the error message was by using print screen for the second I land on the home page. I will try cache clearing tomorrow.

OK resorted to the switch on and off multiple times and that seems to have fixed it!