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Unable to load Zoom


Help! Need prior version of Zoom. Suddenly yesterday morning (I used Zoom successfully until then) I can't load it again. I have removed and reinstalled, rebooted, etc., multiple times with no success. Maybe a rollback to the version just prior to the current one would work since it was working two days ago?

The same thing happened last November and a rep was able to provide me with the prior version which worked fine until the next update with fixes was released. I tried reaching out but that email didn't work as the case had been closed.

Thank you,



I had the same problem after the Windows update yesterday.

Mac seems okay, though.

Only the PC has the problem.


Screenshot 2023-09-13 145015.jpg

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Which version did you install that breaks? And on what version of Windows?

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Since I can't load it to see the version I have to assume it is this one. Version 5.15.12 (21574) (64-bit) .


Running Windows 7, yes, still. My system won't run Windows 10 effectively and my peripherals and some software won't run on 10 with a new computer so I'm kinda stuck until have a a lot of money (and time) to spend replacing everything. Believe me it's been an issue at times but nothing to be done about it at the moment. 🙂


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Sorry, @SGPGary.  The minimum requirements for Zoom software are listed here, and Windows 10 or higher is required: 

You might consider using the Clean Zoom program for Windows mentioned here:

There are sites out there that report to have older versions of Zoom software, but I can’t speak to their reliability. Try installing the latest (after running the Clean routine) or try installing an earlier version that is still in the range of acceptable versions. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

windows 11 idk the update version, but it was the latest cuz after that update, there was none from Microsoft.  i know it's because of the update cuz it was working fine before the update.


I'm having the same problem on my macbook proScreenshot 2023-09-13 at 9.41.45 PM.png