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Retrieving recorded meeting from a year back.


This has been a challenge ever since we had the meeting.

It is an important meeting and I can't retrieve it. I have a paid account and yet it is not retrievable. Can you please help?


Thank you


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Is it a cloud recording or a local recording? 
Were you the host or was it someone else's meeting? 

Local recording

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

A local recording would only be stored on the device that originally recorded the meeting. Have you checked the default recording storage location on that device (Documents folder > Zoom folder > a folder for that specific meeting) ?

I have, severally.

Just couldn't download. The pathway is there but not just downloading

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

There should be no download, just the files on the computer. Are you viewing the list of local recordings on the web page here: ? 

If so, the location listed there is not a download link, but rather the exact location on the computer where that file is stored. As I said before, try checking in the Documents folder on that computer, rather than a web page. 



See the image

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Yep, as I expected. That is just the list of local recordings you've done, but its not a surefire way to access them. Try doing a search on the device that originally recorded the meeting for "Baby Adigun Naming Invite", as that should be a very unique folder name to find and the search result should be the folder with the recording you are looking for. Keep in mind, the device you are viewing that page may not be the same device it was recorded on. Make sure you are looking on whatever device is named "Admin's Macbook Pro"

I did but nothing still.