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Recurring Meeting Invite


I have a recurring meeting invitation that appears on my iPhone every Wednesday. This meeting was created by a host who has since passed away. This meeting isn't on my web version of Zoom and also isn't on my desktop outlook calendar. If I decline the meeting on my phone, it disappears and re-appears after a few seconds. Is there some way to delete this invitation?



Crafting a Recurring Meeting Invite
There are two main parts to a recurring meeting invite: the core meeting details and the recurrence pattern.

Here's a breakdown to help you create one:-

Meeting Details


  • Meeting Subject:- Clearly state the purpose of the meeting.
  • Date & Time:- Specify the start and end time of the first meeting instance.
  • Attendees:- Add email addresses of people you're inviting.


Recurrence Pattern


  • Frequency:- Choose how often the meeting repeats - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
  • Specifics:- Depending on the frequency, define additional details -
    Daily:- Every day or every X days (weekdays only possible on some platforms).
    Weekly:- On which day(s) of the week.
    Monthly:- On which day(s) of the month (e.g., every 2nd Tuesday) or on the Xth (e.g., 4th) weekday of the month.
    Yearly:- On the same specific date each year.